Club Mixed Triples Competition

<p>Sunday 7th August was the Club Mixed Triples Competition and it was a great turnout.&nbsp; Over 40 members put their names down to play - so we had 14 triple teams playing round robin on all 7 rinks (well half round robin&nbsp; ..<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> ... as it was 3 games of 6 ends against teams picked out of the hat).&nbsp; It was hot and dry and luckily we had water stations set up around the green to rehydrate.&nbsp; There was a small crowd of spectators enjoying the games, the sun - and drinks from the bar.</p>


<p>After three fun hours of play, we retired to the clubhouse to celebrate the day or drown our sorrows for missed opportunities.&nbsp; A lovely buffet was prepared by Marion and Pat for over fifty and we all tucked into quiche, pizza and salad mixes followed by berries and cream.</p>


<p>Marilyn announced the winners - team H (Paul Smith, Pauline Cunningham &amp; Ray Smith) with plus 17 shots over their three games.&nbsp; Runners-up were team G (Val Rayner, Roland Cunningham &amp; John Stenton).&nbsp; The prizes were presented on our Club Finals Sunday.</p>


<p>Our Chairperson Sonia thanked the volunteers who made the day possible and all who turned out on such a hot day to support the club.&nbsp; Celebrations went on late into the evening.</p>

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