Markers Course

We had 24 members turn up on Wednesday afternoon to learn the basics of being a Marker.  Vicky organised the day (thank you) and invited Tessa and the two Janes to talk through and show us the correct basics for being a Marker - needed for singles matches. 


This was more of a light hearted interesting afternoon rather than too formal and we all learnt a lot - a mixture of rules and etiquette (e.g. Marker should help set up, don't use your feet to move the Jack, players should not run up the rink unless they can reach the head before their bowl (good luck with that!!), you can take a look at the head with your next bowl in your hand, only use spray chalk ...............) - there is a lot.  There is a full course that members can take to become a qualified Marker - but it is popular and next year is almost full already. 


Some of the session was in the clubhouse with Tessa posing situation questions and seeing what answers we had - before giving the correct one smiley.  Then the two Janes set up practical situations on the Green for us to have the correct approach to measuring and using all the measuring tools available.  The last session was silly bowling where they had re-enacted the start of a match and bowled - and we had to list all the faults that we had learnt - obviously there were lots to highlight what could go wrong.


A great afternoon, well spent time and we definitely learnt a lot.




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