Tuesday Night Triples 2023 - Battle Royal comes to a conclusion

After sixteen weeks of battle, we had a clear winner with Hampton Court - a strong team of Nick, James, Zoe, Ray, Alan M, and Evelyn.  (see table below for full results)


The evening started with a damp final round - almost needed floodlights for the last team in.  Then it was in to dry off and sit down to a fantastic curry (thanks Marian & sous chefs).  The clubhouse was full to brimming and there was a lot of banter about the evening's performance - but all light-hearted.  Karen then proceeded with the final results and individual thanks (and gifts) to all that had assisted her this year.  This competition is one of hardest to manage logistically and does take time and adds stress - so a BIG BIG thank you to Karen.  A small gift was also presented to Karen for all her hardwork. The actual presentation of the award will happen on the Finals Weekend Sunday - but we did have one presentation - to the best 'newbies' triple (Chrissie, David E and Ted B) that ran alongside the main competition.  Hopefully see all of them in next year's TNT.  To end the evening, we had a bumper raffle with ten prizes this week.


It has been a very well organised and lovely way to spend a Tuesday evening of fun but competitive bowls.  There were also a host of other members helping out with great food and drink - many thanks to all involved.  Already looking forward to next year's TNT smiley.


Bowls Winners
Bowls Winners
Bowls Winners
Bowls Winners
Bowls Winners
Bowls Winners

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