Members Coffee Morning
Saturday 26 February was the day that members finally came back together after a long winter and an even longer enforced break by Covid19. The clubhouse was busy as most members returned to meet friends and fellow bowlers – some ventured out into a crowded room for the first time in two years. Exciting times ahead for the new season and enthusiasm to be as one social family again – judging by the noise of chatting and laughter throughout the clubhouse.
Everyone remarked on how good the green looked and the new protection for the ditches was also noted. The sunny day was making people itch to get out there. But first subs needed paying and Kevin and Sheila were perched in the corner collecting the new season membership forms and taking the cash, cheques and promises on transferring funds to our bank account. This year was particularly important that we all signed the health and safety policy having read and understood it, after the untimely fatal accident at another local club.
Coffee and freshly made cake was provided by Pat and Marian (donations gratefully received) and even the bar was opened by Eric for those wanting something a little stronger. Sonia on the tombola, Marilyn (guess the choc eggs in a jar) and Vicky (whisky raffle) all did well extracting more contributions for club funds – with over £300 raised. And guess who won their favourite tipple of whisky ….. Peter, our men’s captain of course.
More fun to come.