Opening Drive

We had a great opening drive on Sunday preceded by cheese and wine beautifully organised by Marion and Pat.


Cheese and Wine


Organisation for the drive was undertaken by numerous helpers and everything went very smoothly - and thanks go to all. 



All 7 rinks were needed for the triples competition (luckily we have the space) showing a healthy interest by our bowlers to get out there. Once again, the weather was kind to us and the green was perfect - so no excuses were accepted for errant play.  It was a fun day and there was a lot of catching up after the winter break both on the green and in the clubhouse.  It was so nice seeing familiar faces again.


The afternoon started with a minutes silence for those loved members who have passed and are greatly missed.


We then had a spider competition (the £1 entry going to charity).  Although I think someone was cheating with a size 20 yellow bowl - even Eric was confused.



All games were 18 ends and played in good spirit but at the end there was only one team clearly winners - Karen A, John B and Graham B) - but then everyone was a winner with the enjoyment of being back together.



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