Special Forum - Constitution

A special Open Forum was held on 21 Oct to discuss the draft Constitution, which had been sent out to all members for comment.  The writing of the Constitution is a huge undertaking and should only be changed if there are major variations necessary (e.g. in our case the combining of Ladies and Mens management and the new Bowls England template).  This Constitution is meant to last a good number of years, so it was important to get it right.


There were over thirty members who attended and a number of members had also given feedback to the team (Trevor T, Paula S, Vicky G and Richard W) via email.  The main feedback was that it was a great effort and members were very happy with the draft and the team should be thanked for all the efforts to combine multiple Constitutions into a sensible readable document.


Trevor led the presentation of the different sections and the changes that were now proposed and the reasons behind them.  There were only really tweaks suggested by the members (mainly to clear up any small ambiguity) in their feedback on the night and a vote taken that all these proposed changes be included in the final draft to be presented at the AGM - so that it is a yes/no ratification only vote at the AGM on 4 Nov - the rationale being that members had already had the chance to comment.  At the conclusion, the team were thanked again and were asked to send out the amended Constitution in time for the AGM meeting.

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