Club Events

Club Events


First Short Mat

First Short Mat

Friday was the first time we put out the newly acquired short mat (thanks to Eric and Baz) .... and it fits (although we might have to protect the pipes in the future ).   We had 24...

Winter Shuffle

Winter Shuffle

No, not a new dance ..... but the exciting fast and furious game of shuffleboard.  We managed six teams of three this time with a few spectators.  After Roland explained the game and...

First Bingo of the Social Season

First Bingo of the Social Season

The best turnout for Bingo that I have seen in 5 years - well over 45 members.  Perhaps it was the new team of Vicky and Charlie (thanks for stepping in) calling the numbers or the draw of the...

October Forum

October Forum

Friday the thirteenth passed with no problem.  The Forum was not controversial and in fact due to the low number of attendees (24) - it must mean that members are happy and have no issues to...

2023 Boccia

2023 Boccia

Let the formal games commence.  This Friday was Boccia night (organised by Pauline and me) and we attracted 24 players - so eight teams playing a round robin.  We managed to have 4 games...

The Start of the Friday Off-Season Social Events

The Start of the Friday Off-Season Social Events

So 29 September was the kick off for the Friday Social calendar.  It was a gentle (?) start with cards - some remembering how to play Canasta and the introduction of 9 card brag.  It did...

Friday Night Social Calendar - Autumn

Friday Night Social Calendar - Autumn

 After a frustrating season for some - the start of the Friday Socials brings calm 29.9 Remember Canasta? Plus try 9 Card...

Bournemouth Trip - great fun

Bournemouth Trip - great fun

Firstly - a huge thanks to Vicky and Charlie for organising such a fantastic trip - the first that the Club has done for many years.  There were 37 of us that were treated to a mini break in a...

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