Members Information

Members Information

Members Information

* Click here to be reminded on Rink Booking Instructions *

Bar & Kitchen

Bar & Kitchen are open when home matches are played, Monday, Tuesday & Friday evenings and on special occasions.

Social bowls

Social bowls are a great way to practice your bowling skills and to meet other members. Helpful advice is always available if requested, as we can always learn and improve.

Sunday morning roll-up - commences TBC

Another chance for practice in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.  Each Sunday from 10 to 12 (May to August) a two hour roll-up will be run with registration at 9.45.  Teams will be chosen beforehand where possible - so inform the organisers your intention to participate in advance please.  Play finishes at 12 o'clock with the score taken at that time.  There is only 1 point on the first end.  Each person scores individually, where the score of the team is divided by the number of people in the team and is rounded either up or down - PLUS a point for a win.  Example: a triples game ends at 21-10, winning team each gets 21/3 plus win point = 8 points, losing team gets 10/3 = 3 points. Approx 50% of the season's best individual scores will be counted.  Skips to keep score cards and hand to organisers at end of each session.  Charge is £1 per person per session with small prizes given at end of season.

Monday afternoon mix and match roll-up – commences TBC

This is a roll-up but each Monday’s individual scores are kept for the season (approx 16 Mondays). So depending on how many turn up and register promptly by 1.45pm (2.00pm start) – equal teams (as far as possible) are created by drawing a coloured numbered disc (colour is team, number is rink and team position) from the organiser’s bag. There are four ends and team scores are noted on individual score cards (see below). At the end of four ends, you draw another disc to join a different team/rink/position. Then play another four ends and so on until you have played 16 ends and been in 4 teams. This format gives everyone the opportunity and experience of playing in different team positions (skip, lead, etc). Your Monday individual total is then given to the organiser who keeps a tally for the whole season. At the end of the season – your BEST FIVE Monday scores are totalled to find a winner for small prizes - so don't worry if you can't make every Monday (but nice to see you if you can smiley).  As this is an afternoon session - no food or raffle.  Match fee £1 per person per session.






























































Tuesday night triples – commences TBC

Club members will have to sign up for this friendly league prior to its start. The organiser will allocate people to teams based on their ability so as to create equally strong teams. This year there are 8 teams with mostly 6 members (due to heavy demand smiley) in each triples team and a rota is created so that each team member is given an equal number of matches.

Registration on Tuesday evenings must take place by 5.45pm to enable play to start at 6.00pm.  Teams can decide on the night who will play in which position.  Food and raffle are available.  Match fee £1.

Attached is your schedule of play for the next 17 weeks. Please note not everyone will play each week, the cross denotes a ‘non-playing week’. Each week I will be issuing the leader board with the next 2 weeks games and players. This will be via email and on the notice board, a copy of the first 2 weeks is below.

In the event that the evening is cancelled due to weather, I will let everyone know by group email, as a few people do not have mobiles.

The objective of the TNT is for everyone to rotate their position. However, we understand that not everyone enjoys playing skip. Therefore, on the night just let your team captain know and you can move position accordingly.

Please note the person designated as 2XL is responsible for a full team on the night, however, if you know prior that you can’t make it, please let me know by the Thursday of the preceding week at the latest and I will ensure a reserve is available.

Point scoring is slightly different this year with 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 for a loss. Any Team scoring over 10 and 20 points scores an addition 1 point and any losing Team within 2 points of the winning Team, scores an extra 1 point. So a team winning 21-19 scores 5 for the winning team and 2 for the losing team.

Don’t worry too much about it, just keep your scores and hand to me or Mary at the end of the Game and we will sort it.

The top 4 teams after week 15 will play in the semis and then finals, rather than it being on points as previous. Watch for the odd double game week so you can ‘catch up’

Click here to see team cards for 2025 (TBC)


    07-May 14-May 21-May 28-May 04-Jun 11-Jun 18-Jun 25-Jun 02-Jul 09-Jul 16-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul 06-Aug 13-Aug 20-Aug 27-Aug
1 Buttermere 7 8 2 4 5 3 6 7 8 2 4 5 3 6 7    
2 Coniston 8 3 1 5 6 7 4 8 3 1 5 6 7 4 8    
3 Derwent 6 2 4 7 8 1 5 6 2 4 7 8 1 5 6    
4 Grasmere 5 6 3 1 7 8 2 5 6 3 1 7 8 2 5 semi's final's
5 Loweswater 4 7 8 2 1 6 3 4 7 8 2 1 6 3 4    
6 Rydal 3 4 7 8 2 5 1 3 4 7 8 2 5 1 3    
7 Ullswater 1 5 6 3 4 2 8 1 5 6 3 4 2 8 1    
8 Windermere 2 1 5 6 3 4 7 2 1 5 6 3 4 7 2    


Friday evening roll-up – commences TBC

The organiser will collect names and the match fees for those registering by 5.45pm (6pm start). Depending on how many turn up, the organiser will determine how many teams can be formed.

Teams are created by drawing a coloured numbered disc (colour is team, number is rink and team position). Discs for the lead positions (number 1) will be drawn first by new players and the remaining positions drawn by the rest of the players.

There are usually 16 ends and you stay in the same team. The winning team is the highest total score for the 16 ends. This is followed by a Club Night, where the scores will be announced and prizes awarded.

Opening Club Drive – Sunday 13th April

All members are welcome to turn up and shake off the cobwebs. Names need to be added to list in advance and teams are picked during the week before (see match selection). Winning team is the highest score.

Usually starts with a spider competition where players position themselves around the green with one foot in the ditch, aim for a ball in the middle and all bowl at the same time when the bell rings – winner is the closest to the ball.

Bowls Match

Candlelight drive –  TBC

This is another fun night of bowls for all members. Teams picked on the day with rinks bordered by lights. Torches definitely needed.

Winning team is the highest score.

Bowls Match

Presidents Day – Sunday TBC

And to close the season …..The President and Vice-President pick teams – usually three teams each - from those available to play. The President’s teams play the Vice-President’s teams and the highest combined score wins the day.

join our club today!

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