2024 AGM

A great turn out for the AGM - over 60 - and we heard reports from the our President, Chair, team Captains, Treasurer, Trustees, Green Keeping and Maintenance.  Our bowls teams performed well over the season but with mixed results - so no trophies this year.  Thanks were given to the army of volunteers who keep our Club functioning and in good order - we couldn't survive without their hard work.  All in all - our club is in a good position with healthy numbers - both members and money.  Fuller reporting of the meeting will be circulate later this week.


We have a new Management Team as most current encumbents have completed their two years.  Our thanks must go to a great team who have steered us through the last two years - there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that most members don't realise is necessary to have our smooth operation.  The last task for the outgoing team was to choose a new President and that well deserved honour has gone to Barbara Skilton with David Macklin as Vice President.  Both Kevin Moutrie (Treasurer) and Sheila Gray (Secretary) have thankfully agreed to continue in their posts.  Newcomers (who had put their names forward) are: Chairman - Ray Smith; Mens Captain - Trevor Thomas; Ladies Captain - Paula Saull; Men's Reps (same as 2023) - Steve Jefferson and Richard Sawle, Ladies Reps - Moira Schembri and Pat Thomas.  Other positions will be communicated in the AGM report. 


Trophies were awarded to very popular winners: President's Cup (greatest club contribution) - Vicky Goddard; and Hodgson's Cup (most promising new player) - Marian Jefferson.






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