Monday roll-up - mid season update

Thought it was about time we had an update on the Monday afternoon activities -  roll-up.

In the 10 sessions that we have managed so far this year, we have attracted 51 members overall to play on at least one Monday.  But each Monday has had a varied attendence with the best turnout being 21 and this last Monday only 8 braved the elements.  15 have played 5 or more games with just me doing all 10 laugh - but I need the percentages in my favour as I also managed to get the worst score so far (2 !!!!).  John Byrne has the highest with 37 - the best I've seen over the last few years..

There has been great comments about how enjoyable the roll-up format has been with everyone changing teams/positions every 4 ends.  Its good practice and a great learning environment.

join our club today!

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