Tuesday Night Triples - end of the season finale

What a fantastic end of season for the Tuesday Night Triples.  8 teams have battled it out in this league based competition with the finale night featuring the battle for top dog and then the also rans .........  The weather has been variable during the season with a few game nights called off due to heavy rain - but we had sufficient matches to seeing the cream rising to the top.  The top two teams (Windermere and Derwent) played for the honours.  The matches were played in two batches of 7 ends to give everyone in the team (up to 6 members alternating) a chance to play on the final night.  The winners were Derwent (Mary Mitchell, James Washer, David Lewis, Bert Oliver and Trevor Haylett) - who were presented with the trophy, coasters and bubbly.  The evening then finished with a chicken/veg curry beautifully prepared by Marian and Pat as always  - thanks to them for providing the nourishment for the whole season (we will all very much miss our Tuesday night sausage.)   Another winner (Chrissie Ferriroli) for the Sunday rollup was presented with their prize.  This is a new opportunity for club members to practice their skills.


The whole competition has been very well organised (thanks to Alan Wall and Mary Mitchell).  Despite last minute changes in teams and match cancellations - they have manged to smile through.  Special mention should be made to the very colourful team sheets that have kept us all informed of team scores and status.  It didn't help with some teams performances though .....


Below are a few pictures from the night - many thanks to Paul Smith for the action shots and Ray Smith for the winners.  I would have taken some pictures of the wonderful curry but it was demolished very quickly with Rory going back for thirds and fourths ..........


Cheese and Wine
Cheese and Wine

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