Club Events

Club Events


Platinum Jubilee Party

Platinum Jubilee Party

The long awaited and planned Platinum Jubilee long weekend is now over.  For over 40 DBC members it culminated in a Jubilee party on the Sunday afternoon.  The club house looked very...

110th Anniversary

110th Anniversary

110th Anniversary match against a Surrey select team. First of all many congratulations must go to Alan Marsh, Vicky Goddard and John Stenton on their magnificent win on Sunday scoring 22 points...

CPR Training

CPR Training

We had a very interesting and important CPR training session on Friday 20 May. We had over 30 people packed into the clubhouse to listen and learn from some of the volunteeers at Central Surrey...

First Monday afternoon roll-up

First Monday afternoon roll-up

Three sets of Triples and a Pair were played on the first Monday roll-up - a lovely way to start this mini competition.  We each took out a token (rink and playing position) to play the first...

First Friday Roll-Up

First Friday Roll-Up

The long awaited Friday Roll-ups have started again.  This is a firm social favourite at the club especially with the promise of a hot sausage to follow.  Admin at the start was efficient...

Opening Drive

Opening Drive

We had a great opening drive on Sunday preceded by cheese and wine beautifully organised by Marion and Pat.     Organisation for the drive was undertaken by numerous...

Practice Day

Practice Day

The weather for our Saturday Practice Day was beautiful. Enough sun for rosey tints on our faces. The green was open from 10am and there was a steady stream of bookings for the day - some people...

Last card session of the winter months

Last card session of the winter months

April 6th the last bridge and brag session of the winter months. The 5p have been won and lost and now are stashed safely away until October. Will inflation make it 10p coins soon.

join our club today!

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