Club Events

Club Events


March Forum

March Forum

A good turnout for the March Forum (but could always do with more coming along) given the lovely weather. There was a diverse agenda led by Martin and Paula that covered everything from the new...



The Bingo night was organised by Karen and Alan this week and what a great job they did. Nearly 30 people were eyes down and paying attention to the numbers as they were called. Karen had obviously...

Quiz Night

Quiz Night

Friday 11th March saw the brains gathering at the Clubhouse for the social quiz night. General knowledge questions were posed by David and Greta – and no matter what google said,...



The Boccia night was organised by Pauline and Roland and was well attended with six teams of three fighting it out in a round-robin tournament. The red and blue teams are seated with each member...

Members Coffee Morning

Members Coffee Morning

Saturday 26 February was the day that members finally came back together after a long winter and an even longer enforced break by Covid19. The clubhouse was busy as most members returned to meet...

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